This week’s episode brought to you by Sidekick Media Services, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!
Sorg is away - so Katie, Chilla, and Producer Missy are going to play! This week, Katie takes control of the helm as we talk this week in tech news, including:
Chilla's Awesome Thing of the Week is from the Apple announcement with WWDC 19 with Side Car to bring a second monitor experience to Mac OS.
Katie is sharing unsafe headphone volume through Apple Health as her Awesome Thing of the Week.
Missy is sharing Excel for iPhone as her Awesome Thing of the Week.
Amanda shared Shhhhh with us this week to excrete on the discreet.
WWE superstar R-Truth uses Apple Clips to create some fun video promos.
Kennywood is getting high tech with 360 camera views.
Cuphead is coming to Tesla.
Apple is planning to end iTunes as we know it?
NASA made their entire media library public and copyright free.
There is nothing as entertaining as forced perspective with tiny superhero toys.
You can quickly switch Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in the new control center!
There's a new Mac Pro coming to town, and we may be a little too excited about it.
With Apple making their recent changes, how many apps do you think will hit the Mac OS App Store later this year?
Katie is saving the best story for last this week - Pornhub has released a Top 20 list of cities checking them out.
After the show remember to:
Want to support our friends at Postindustrial? Check out their Kickstarter.
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Katie (@Kdudders), Chilla (@chilla) and Producer Missy (@rebelliousflaw)
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Remember to check out our friends at the River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media (@The405Radio) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
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