This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, Alex Kahrs Design & Media, and Dark Forge Studios!
John from Looking for Group and Academy Pittsburgh joins the show to talk this week in tech, including:
We are living in the future WITH Chilla this week as we got a quick early peek at the innaugural edition of the Pittsburgh Current. (Be sure to grab your copy when it hits newsstands!)
Katie is talking about her damned double dongle as her Awesome Thing of the Week this week.
Chilla’s Awesome Thing of the Week is another item from his getting-ready-for-vacation list. It’s the Olympus Tough TG-5 camera!
Sorg is sharing his sleep tracker for Apple Watch as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
John is sharing Black Fox Newz as his Awesome Thing of the Week.
Funko is coming out with something new – cereal.
Movie Pass is rolling out surge pricing.
John has a ton of stuff going on. He’s sharing some Academy Pittsburgh updates with us.
John is also sharing some insights for this year’s Replay FX.
There are apparently Mario Kart ringers out there.
Facebook is trying AR ads.
Shout out to Rob Johnston and his recent awesome gig which works well for our sister (brother?) podcast, Wrestling Mayhem Show.
After the show remember to:
Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (
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Remember to check out our friends at the River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media (@The405Radio) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!
Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!Special Guest: John Lange.